Samples of achievment
Eco Cleaner
![Eco clear](
The Eco Cleaner is composed of one brushing module and trolleys to transport the gudgeons.
The brushing module will do all the operations to clean a gudgeon of the vessel (2.5m length and a weight of 450 kg):
- Loosening the nut already on the gudgeon.
- Brushing the nut and gudgeon.
- Vacuuming and storing the waste.
- Lubricating the thread gudgeon
- Re-screwing the nut
The use of 2 trolleys allows parallel working wile the machine clean gudgeon and nut.
The pneumatic pre-screwdriver with its evolution: the electric version
The pneumatic pre-screwdriver loosens and screws back the keeping screw of thermocouples on the vessel cover of the reactor
This tooling is used by EDF group in all its NPP’s.
An update in electrical version was realized in 2019
This evolution allows to reduce the weight and ease its use, suppressing the cable and hose for pressurized air.
Lifting Beam
Berthier proposes :
- The realization of specific lifter.
- The automatization of stowage process of existing lifter.
- The realization of transport and storage carriages.
This movable bridge insures the connection between the pool edges and the vessel cover. Thanks to hydraulic cylinder and to the accumulator the operator can position the bridge and stabilize it to a precise position without any manutention tool.
On going project : AMPERE
Consortium : Berthier Equipements, SCNF, Materia Nova, Dothee
The AMPERE project has been validated by the European commission early 2020 and is financed trough EUROSTARS program.
The goal of AMPERE project is double:
Develop a specific paint without solvent therefore ecologic that will be able to:
- Encapsulate old lead paint.
- Corrosion and dirt protection.
- Resist to UV and all solicitations that can be found outside.
- Applicable in one layer of paint.
- To develop a robotized and motorized carriage adapted to the circulation on railway and able for each catenaries pillar to:
- Detect corroded area.
- Strip corroded area.
- Repaint completely the catenaries pillar with the specific paint developed in parallel.